Monday, December 28, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Merry Christmas Everyone!!

God has been so faithful these past couple months!!
So most of you know we came to South Africa to take part in a program called SBS (School of biblical studies) with Youth With A Mission! We have just completed our 1st term (3-months), we have covered 20 books of the bible using the inductive study method, taught 1 book, and have taken 3 tests! These books have really come alive! We read all of Paul's Epistles and found loads of historical background info on all these different letters!
We also have been doing local outreach here in Muizenberg. Uriah has been loving this! (IN HIS ELEMENT!!) He has been doing street ministry and really connecting with people on the streets!
"God has been teaching me so much about equality, God loves the people on the streets just as much as he loves you and me! They are just as much sons and daughters of God as you and I."
A couple cool testimonies:
- So we have a place to stay for the remainder of this school!
- We had our debit card info stolen... about $700! Thank Jesus for banks with insurance. After the process of filing a fraud claim, and after 8 days we received all of our money back!!
- The other night after our last day of class, a bunch of us were sitting and discussing what we walked away with from our first three months. We all did the same book assignments and sat through the same classes, but we all walked away from the first term with something different. God met each of us here in such different ways!
Thinking about Christmas without family again is a little bit sad. This year we will be spending it with our couple-friends from Switzerland and a few people that are sticking around for break!
Please let us know how we can pray for you! Email us at uriah.stepp@gmail.com !!
You can get updates from us via email right here!
Thanks so much for your prayers and support!