
Sunday, April 17, 2016

What's Next For The Stepps?!

What's Next For The Stepps?!

Hey friends and family!! Hope you are doing splendid!! The question that humanity as a whole is always asking is, "What's Next?" This letter is a tribute to that question!

We are well into our last quarter of our School of Biblical Studies with University of the Nations! We are currently studying my favorite books, the Prophets! It has been such a great experience being able to study the bible together! We see the value of studying the bible, because this will be the foundation for our lives from here on out! Be it in our family, workplace, or community, what we are learning is able to apply to all those avenues!

Now for the meat on the sandwich! (Sorry, vegetarians!) “What's next!?” When we arrive back in the U-S of A we will be watching all your beautiful fireworks from above! We arrive back in Kansas on the 4th of July!!! Why Kansas you might ask?  Kaycee's Uncle Steve has his master's licenses in electrical, plumbing, and heat and air. He has started a business and I am going to work alongside him and learn a trade!  (Been a dream of mine for awhile!) But that's not even the best part! The main reason he is starting this business is to use it as a tool for discipleship! My heart has always been for people and transformation! I love watching people come in to their real identity in Christ so this totally lines up with my heart! Kaycee will be helping her parents part-time, and work on some other projects on the side. Another surprise, our first house we lived in right after we got married has come available again! Looking forward to calling that lovely nook Home again!

Before we leave there is something we must do... During our breaks we haven't had much cash to go out and see this beautiful country. So before we leave we have a week to really get out and go explore God's beautiful creation here in South Africa! We are planning to go on safari in Kruger National Park! Our housing has already been booked, we just need our flights and car rental now! We see this as one of those once and in a lifetime opportunities! Will you help us go out with a BOOMSHAKALAKA!?

We appreciate all your interest in our journey! It will be awesome to return home and reconnect with you. Thank you also for your financial and prayer support. Every time we have come up short God has supplied through your gifts, or some other way we never would have been able to conjure up! 
Uriah & Kaycee Stepp

319 E. 8th, Edmond, OK 73034 • •
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