
Sunday, October 25, 2015

God is Faithful!!

Hi friends and family! We hope you all are doing well and enjoying wearing your sweaters and sipping on pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks while watching a good game of football or carving pumpkins or jumping in leaf piles.. I seriously miss fall, for the second year in a row I miss fall! But I do have the beach and mountains. I guess it's a good trade. 
Muizenberg Beach!!
           Anyways, we are doing GREAT!  You haven't heard from us much because our time is quickly eaten up by studies.  It is hard to believe we are already starting our 7th book using the inductive study method!  In the inductive method we read and observe entire books from the view of the original audience with historical background and context in mind, and then we eventually  find the "timeless truths" that we can then apply to our lives.

 In a typical week we will study 25+ hours, attend 12 hours of class, participate in 2+ hours of "work duties" (chores) and 2+ hours of local outreach, and base worship and base intercession.  It is basically a full-time job, but it's the most rewarding full-time job ever. Our minds are being renewed and our hearts are exploding for Jesus! :)
 Since we last updated you we found permanent housing (till the school is over in June). I think I mentioned last time that we are living off base because there are so many students on base they didn't have room for us. It has been kind of nice, though, having a quiet place to land at night. It's good for us. We stay with a little lady from Zimbabwe and she is really great. 

To get around quickly we invested in two long boards! I really enjoy riding with Uriah. I think I'm catching on, but I'm still not very fast and hills scare me!                              This is our lovely Church called Connect!! It is literally right across the street from where we are living! It is so amazing to come together in midst of a hectic week and be with Family!!

Now for our favorite part: Finances!  We are thankful to have all of our food and most of our school fees paid. Uriah's Indian Tribe grant paid all of his fees!!! We still need about $5550!God is faithful!

We are really working on a group of monthly supporters!! Please consider and pray about supporting us monthly!! 
If you feel this is something that 
God is leading you to do, please email us at:

Thank you guys for your continued support through prayer and giving. We pray that God will bless you and your families.

1 comment:

  1. It's so good to hear from y'all !!!! Missing you like crazy, but so glad for you to be able to really study the Bible like a full time job 😊 I know God will bless you and the people you come in contact with as a result !!!
    Love you bunches, Grami
