Dear Friends and Family,
We just wanted to shout out and say THANK YOU for all the support that we have received from all of you, both in prayer and financially, over this last year and even our whole lives. Throughout our time here we have been able to see God's grace and faithfulness to his people, to see his sovereignty over kings and principalities of the world, his redemption purposes which stretch from the Garden of Eden to now and into the future, and most of all his love for us. We have grown up spiritually, and learned a lot of practical ministry things.Thursday we graduate and celebrate all that God has done for us through this school and begin saying our goodbyes to all of our friends and this beautiful country!
We have had a blast during these 9 Months!! We have built relationships that will last a lifetime and shared memories that will never be forgotten! God's Faithfulness is so extreme! We have learned so much in the Old Testament how He held to his covenant even though His people broke it. This has played out even in our lives as well!
I want to remind you guys of a vision that God gave us one week at church, before we left for our DTS (almost two years ago): I was standing on the edge of the ocean ready to walk out on the water. My hands were empty but as I stepped out, God came and he gave me the money I needed to walk ahead. 9 months ago we came to South Africa with about $2,000 dollars (which we guessed would keep us afloat for the first 3 months), in faith that we were supposed to be here and God would indeed provide. In the times when we didn't know where it would come from, we sometimes worried, but then we thanked God and rested on the promise he made to us--that he would provide, and we learned to be content with that. From school fees to rent to health insurance and extra things, God has provided, and we were never once late paying a bill! This is one example of God's faithfulness in our lives. This has been the theme of our entire life in missions! HE IS FAITHFUL!
Thank you for loving us and believing with us. It has not been easy, and it hasn't always been fun, but it has been good, and we are 100% thankful for this opportunity.
In two short weeks we head back to the states and hit the ground running. We graduate on the 23rd!! And we will spend one more week here, and we will GO ON SAFARI!!! Then its off to the States!!

"The Boats in Kalk Bay"

"Our SBS Class"
"Our Esther Play"
"One of Our Movie Nights"
"Raising Awareness For A Safe House, Spinathon!!"
"Mumford And Sons Concert"
"Uncle Larry Came For A Visit"
"Walks On The Beach"
"SBS milkshake breaks"
"Our Housemate Gurtrude!"
"Muizenberg our Home for the last 9 months!"
"Our life in the Class Room!"
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