When we heard about the terrible earthquake that hit Nepal on Saturday and saw the pictures, it began to become more clear where we should go next. At first, we were just kind of in shock, and then it sank in I hurt for the people and all I could think was "I want to be there". Uriah and I started talking about it and he expressed that he felt the same way and we began praying. (If this next part sounds smooth, don't be fooled. I have been so silly and weird and afraid to commit..it's like a roller coaster ride.) "Why not?" was the question that popped into my head yesterday morning. Why shouldn't we go? I came to the humbling realization that longing to be with a people that I love when they're hurting isn't a "Kaycee" longing, it's a Jesus longing. His heart is for people. So yesterday, Uriah put his notice in and we are having a garage sale this weekend to raise money to go. We hope to leave as soon as we can purchase tickets. We would love to stay in Kathmandu, but we can also work with friends in Pokhara. We're trusting that God will show us more specifics later. The tentative plan is to stay in Nepal for a month.

Later guyz
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